Al-Farid star Kindergarten and Schools in the international and national programs, the cradle of giving and the land of growth, planting the seeds of the unique future, with religious and educational values, opening them the horizons of science, knowledge and culture, developing their skills and abilities to keep pace with the needs of the modern era using the latest advanced technological means, and working to develop higher thinking skills, and provide them with scientific research tools Critical thinking and problem solving according to the latest teaching strategies. The kindergarten adopts the educational pillar system based on the theory of multiple intelligences and taking into account learning styles, taking into account comprehensive care to build a balanced personality integrated religiously, socially, ethically, psychologically, emotionally, skillfully, scientifically, linguistically and physically, and focusing on self-reliance skills and developing fine and large muscles. The Noble Qur’an is the cornerstone of our curricula in a daily memorization program, using strategies that are able to establish the skill of memorization and understanding of the child, taking into account the acquisition of recitation with the provisions of intonation by hearing. We adopt programs based on taking into account the developmental characteristics of the child, through fun and purposeful play in various areas of linguistic, mental, cognitive, emotional and motor development.

Educational Pillars
We adopt the educational pillars system based on the theory of multiple intelligences and taking into account learning styles to achieve equal opportunities for all children to develop performance in various aspects freely and with pleasure.
The classroom activities are divided into nine pillars
- Corner for drama and acting or simulation
- Corner of artistic expression
- Perception Corner
- Corner construction and installation
- Library corner
- Layout and Writing Corner
- Discovery Corner
- orner the computer or interactive screen
- Corner of sound and rhythm
School day
The school day starts from half past seven until one o'clock.
As the day begins with the morning queue, then the daily cycle of memorizing the Qur’an, then the morning session that includes scientific and life experience, and ends with the last meeting.
Classes for Arabic, English, Mathematics, Recitation and Islamic Education are distributed throughout the day. Each day includes a free or organized play (physical education) and the school day includes a morning fruit meal and a main breakfast.

Partnership with parents
- The kindergarten is proud to partner with parents in caring for children through constant communication through the application (teams) and through communication with the department administration.
- Attending some events and activities that the kindergarten calls for.
- Participating in some classroom activities such as art activities, handicrafts and storytelling, through coordination with the administration.
Communications programs
- Communication through the TIMES application with the teacher and the administration
- Arrive through kindergarten phones.
- The periodic meetings that the kindergarten holds with parents
- Family interviews on Mondays of each week.
- The kindergarten sends with the child every Thursday: weekly plan / worksheet file / student books.
The kindergarten adopts activities to enhance the child's relationship with the kindergarten and create a passion for the educational-learning process in a positive and creative manner.
We adopt WizeFloor sessions once a week. As well as adopting educational trips that enhance educational experiences and leisure trips.
In addition to swimming lessons in the school swimming pool, which is characterized by high preparedness and safety and security conditions. Every Thursday is devoted to fun and meaningful activities that serve different areas of learning.
Curriculum selection is the strong and fundamental base upon which we build work programs and the expected outcomes, cognitively, skillfully and emotionally
National Program
- The kindergarten adopts activities to enhance the child's relationship with the kindergarten and create a passion for the educational-learning process in a positive and creative manner.
- We adopt WizeFloor sessions once a week. As well as adopting educational trips that enhance educational experiences and leisure trips.
- In addition to swimming lessons in the school swimming pool, which is characterized by high preparedness and safety and security conditions. Every Thursday is devoted to fun and meaningful activities that serve different areas of learning.
- English- Hats and top
- Maths- my numbers
National program curricula
- Al Hudhud curriculum for the Arabic language, as it develops children's skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing through a computerized program in its classroom and home versions, in addition to paperwork.
- Math heroes.
- Tomorrow's generations
- English Language Curriculum Hats and top.
- Math curriculum my numbers.
International program curricula
- Jolly phonics
- Inspire math
- Inspire science
- Al Hudhud curriculum for the Arabic language